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Sunday, June 17, 2012

West Papuan Rebels' Hypocrisy

Benny Wenda, OPM boss based in UK.
Papua is poor region with remarkable natural resources. Ironically, it is hard to find peace and harmony in that poor region.  There are attempts to establish international opinion that Papua is under occupation by using human rights issues in Papua.

Papua issue looks as if will never be finished. The existence of OPM (Free Papua Movement) in Papua is considered by government as "a thorn in the flesh" in implementation of accelerated development. This conflict will make this area as target of military operations by both parties (Indonesian Military and OPM). Beside that problem, the clan war still preserved till today is also a stigma that attaching primitiveness when talking about Papua.

Who is the bad guy, who is the victim? Mostly, foreign media (outside Indonesia) will always blaming on TNI (Indonesia Military) and Indonesian Police for all violence in Papua. It seems, they left  their objectivity just trying to make partial news and supports the terrorist in Papua. Let's uncover this!

What factors that could make this happen?

Social inequalities, retarded development, racial issues, violence between Papuan-Papuan and Papuan - Non papuan, terrorism, and many others.

As for retarded development, there is an interesting fact about this. House of Representative Commission I found that 80% Regional Governments in Papua are not effective. How can Papua be developed if their Head of Regional Government always traveling outside of Papua? Those little kings in Papua are not ready to govern their own region. Moreover, Papua has racial privilege which is Head of Regional Government must be 'indigenous Papuan' (As written in article 11 of Indonesian Act No. 21 Year 2001).

Kelly Kwalik with rifle
Violence might inhibit progress of development in Papua. A certain terrorist group called OPM, uses destructive way to attain their own goal. Hit and run strategy is still their favorite way to make mutual mistrust between civilian and security authority in Papua. They sought to create 'state in state' and don't care about development. Power and influences are their only objectives.

Another problem is OPM's brainwashing. They often said that Papuan people is different with all other Indonesian ethnics. So are with other 300++ tribes in Indonesia, but that is not the matter. Why should felt in that way? Indonesian founding fathers agreed to create nation not based on tribe, race, or even religion. But they agreed to create official philosophical foundation that based on (mutual) religious, pluralistic and tolerance ideology called Pancasila. Which all people have same rights before law.  Or maybe it simply just because they didn't know what Bhinneka Tunggal Ika stands for?

'West Papua' Idea?

1 December 1961, Independence day -or- Appointment day?

OPM always insisting that Papuan are different with other ethnics in Indonesia. They argued that 'West Papua' state has established. In fact,West Papua state is never existed, since there was no firm evidence of West Papuan state establishment. That there were only Politic Manifesto by 28 members of New Guinea Council about organization's song and flag supported by Kingdom of Netherlands after recognition of sovereignty of Indonesian Republic. There was only Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, a Netherlands' overseas territory. 

Netherlands had tried to separate Papua from Indonesia, since Round Table Conference was held. Netherlands wanted to defend their control in Asia Pasific by using these New Guinea Council to create 'Puppet State' where actually will be controlled by Den Haag.

Hypocrisy, There is No 'GENUINE' OPM

Nicolaas Jouwe (born 1924) was Papuan leader who was elected as vice president of the New Guinea Council that governed the Dutch colony of Netherlands New Guinea. He vowed never to return to his native land if it were still 'occupied' by Indonesia, but nevertheless he moved to Papua in 2010 to die in his born land.

After his arrival, Nicholas is said has a plan to meet OPM in jungle, he thought it does not need to be done, "OPM should be looking for me and I am not looking for them because they are savages and even those who live in jungle do not know the law was so very wild and stay wild, if you want to be good people then come to us". Nicholas said.

"The issue of OPM is always fighting for its commitment, but it is their own stupidity with even they are miserable themselves by stupidity. Papua will not be unsteady by their behavior", said Nicholas, quoted from Warta Papua Barat.

In other hand, OPM was not glad by Nicholas' return to his fatherland with Indonesian citizenship. Even chairman of Papua Tribal Council, Forkorus Yoboisembut accused the man who created OPM flag and song with betrayer accusation. OPM will label all Papuan who contradictory with their wants as betrayer toward Papuan, but which Papuan?

Referendum (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat/Perpera) had accepted by 84 countries, NO ONE COUNTRY REJECTED, Abstain 30 countries, Absent 12 countries. UN General Assembly Resolution 2504 is affirmation of UN recognition upon sovereignty of Indonesian Republic over Papua.

"Brothers, where do you want to go? What do you want to make? Separating from what? That will never happen, I fought it furiously, until 1969. I asked to UN why Papua can't be independent, UN said Papua's Independence has been realized by Soekarno-Hatta on 17 August 1945", said Nicholas, quoted from Bintang Papua.

Then, similar words also emerged from Kimi Village, Nabire as posted at Pasific Pos on 1 November 2011 don't talk freedom before self-liberated. Former OPM commander in 60's era to early 80's, Yulian Jap Marey responded several actions on behalf of stuggle for Papua which eventually took its toll on people who really don't know but becomes victim instead.


Do I have rights before law? Do I have rights to vote in election? Do I have rights to be involved in government (see Freedy Numberi) ? Do I have rights to voice my opinion accordingly to law?

If you are Papuan, you can answer it yourself. If you still cannot, try to open Indonesian Constitution 1945 (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945).

One people, one soul... INDONESIA from Sabang to Merauke!

Tags: West Papua freedom plans and Benny Wenda, Paupuan congress, torture in west papua, human rights violence in papua, indonesia colonization, morning star flag, bendera bintang kejora, Indonesian military human rights violence, OPM, Organisasi Papua Merdeka, Free West Papua, Freedom papua, TNI membunuh, Australia in Papua, Freeport Indonesian Papuan, Free west papua campaign, truth about papua, torturing in papua, Facts about West Papua Conflicts, west papuan rebels' hypocrisy


  1. good one. nice arguments. actually i agree with you.

  2. Indonesia in 1962 surrendered its claims on the territory of West New Guinea by signing the trusteeship agreement for United Nations administration and swore it would allow an "act of self-determination" as defined in article 1 of the UN Charter and General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV).

    Nobody excepting Indonesia in 1969 alleged the sovereignty or territorial status of the territory had been changed. The United Nations position is that Indonesia is the current administrator, see


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